How to apply

Applications for 2024/2025

Applications for the 2024/2025 academic year opened on the 10th of October. All applications will be checked to ensure applicants meet the entry requirements and person specification. Those that do will be considered for interview. Please refer to the documents below.

Embrace SCITT Recruitment

We are looking for creative and enthusiastic individuals with long term aspirations to work with children and young adults and a commitment to inclusion for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Applicants who can demonstrate this in their application will be invited for interview.

We would advise applicants to apply as early as possible, even if you are still working towards your degree.

Please note that if you apply for more than one of our training routes, we only consider one of these applications. However, there is an opportunity to complete a placement in a different setting than your specialised route. For example, if you are on the Primary route, you could complete a placement in an SEN setting.

To apply, please visit our courses via the links provided or via Get Into Teaching. Department for Education - Apply for teacher training.

Planning your Application

A range of useful advice on making a successful teacher training application – from writing your personal statement to arranging references, organising school experience, and interviewing for a course, can be found on the government’s Get into Teaching website.

Plan Your Application

Apply for Primary or Primary with SEND

Apply for Secondary