Previous NPQ funding from the DfE was money allocated from the Education Recovery Fund by the government and has now expired. The funding model has changed for Autumn 2024 with limited funded places available for particular NPQ programmes depending on your school's eligibility.

Please get in touch if you are unsure about this and would like some clarification but details can be found here.

If you are interested in a NPQ for this Autumn 2024 (or beyond), please get in touch today! Please contact Johnathan, our NPQ Programmes Manager for more information - including specific details about any funded places we have remaining with our 3 Lead Providers (NIoT, CofE and BPN) at

*As of 25th September 2024, Embrace has extremely limited funded places available for:

NIoT: NPQSL, NPQLT, NPQLPM (plus very limited for others - please email to enquire)

CofE:NPQSL (very limited!), NPQLPM (please email to enquire)

BPN: NPQH (final chance!), NPQLT & NPQLBC (please email to enquire)

*Please also note that schools can self-fund as many NPQ places as they wish to. Please contact us to find out more if you would like to do this to join any of our NPQ programmes.


APPLY now with the National Institute of Teaching (NIoT)   

Embrace TSH as part of The Sea View Trust is proud to be an Associate College of the National Institute of Teaching.

Specialist and Leadership NPQs

The National Institute of Teaching are offering the full suite of NPQs and we will be taking applications for all Specialist and Leadership NPQs - including the brand new NPQ for SENCOs - that we have limited funded places for our cohort in October 2024. 

In order to register for a NPQ with the NIoT, please follow these two steps:

1. Register with the DfE online service.

2. Complete your application with NIoT. (Please choose Embrace Teaching School Hub as your Campus Preference).

Please note that the deadline for applying will be in late September 2024 - date tbc - but we do advise anyone to submit their application as early as possible especially if they would like to secure a funded place on a programme.

APPLY now with the Church of England (CofE)

We are continuing our fantastic relationship with the Church Of England to deliver Leadership and Specialist NPQs.

The Church of England are offering the full suite of NPQs, excluding the NPQs in Early Years Leadership and Leading Literacy. (Please apply with the NIoT if you would like to complete either of these).

Specialist and Leadership NPQs

Embrace is a full Delivery Partner with the CofE and we aim to have cohorts in all available programmes - including the brand new NPQ for SENCOs - in October 2024.

In order to register for a NPQ with the CofE, please follow these two steps:

Step 1: Register with the DfE online service.

Step 2: Complete your application with CofE. (A link to this will be emailed to you once you have completed the DfE registration - Embrace is Region 18 on their system).

Please note that the deadline to register will be in late September 2024 - date tbc - but we do advise anyone to submit their application as early as possible especially if they would like to secure a funded place on a programme.


APPLY now with Best Practice Network (BPN)

*NEW for AUTUMN 2024!* We are launching our exciting new relationship with Best Practice Network to deliver their Leadership and Specialist NPQs.

Best Practice Network are offering the full suite of NPQs, excluding the NPQs in Early Years Leadership, Leading Literacy and Leading Primary Mathematics. (Please apply with the NIoT if you would like to complete any of these, OR, the CofE who also offer the NPQ in Leading Primay Maths).

Specialist and Leadership NPQs

Embrace is now a full Delivery Partner with BPN and we aim to have cohorts in all available programmes - including the brand new NPQ for SENCOs - in October 2024.

In order to register for a NPQ with BPN, please follow these two steps:

Step 1: Register with the DfE online service.

Step 2: Complete your application with BPN. (Please check on their website for current details about programmes with funded places available).

Please note that the deadline to register will be in late September 2024 - date tbc - but we do advise anyone to submit their application as early as possible especially if they would like to secure a funded place on a programme.