From September 2021, statutory induction for new teachers changed from one year, to two years of high quality professional development and support based on the Early Career Framework (ECF).

The ECF Induction is designed to build on the ITT year, providing Early Career Teachers (ECTs) with a robust introduction to teaching alongside exceptional mentoring.  It is hoped that this will assist the retention of teachers at the start of their careers.

From September 2023, Embrace TSH is working in partnership with The National Institute of Teaching (NIoT) and Teach First and is providing the Full Induction Programme (FIP) to localised cohorts across Chorley, Fylde, South Ribble and West Lancashire; delivered by experienced teachers and leaders, through a mixture of face to face and online delivery.

ECF Brochure TeachFirst & EmbraceTSH

This brochure contains more information about the Teach First & Embrace TSH Induction, such as programme content and time commitment needed by ECTs and Mentors. Please be aware that in addition to signing up to an induction programme, your ECT will also need to be registered with an Appropriate Body.


All training on the Full Induction Programme delivered by Embrace TSH is funded by the DfE at no cost to schools.  In addition, schools will receive a payment of £1400 per ECT and £1000 per Mentor in Year 2, alongside an extra total payment of £1713.86 to backfill 36 hours of Mentor time in Years 1 & 2.